Keep the Fresh Prince’s name outta your mouth and check the Nerd Nite’s new definition of summer madness: birds, mosquitoes, and Dr. Who. Catch the following talks on Wednesday, August 28 at Wilmington Brew Works!

The Beginner’s Guide to Birds with Bex Stansell

They’re in your backyard, your local parks, and stealing your beach fries. Get to know some of the most common wild birds in our area. We’ll talk about why they’re cool, go over some easy identification tips, and dispel common bird myths.

Rebecca (Bex) Stansell is a non-profit fundraiser by trade and a big nerd by upbringing. She is a native Delawarean, crazy cat lady, and avid tattoo collector. If you’d like activate her inability to stop talking, strike up a chat about why Fallout 3 was better than New Vegas, what the best dark or weird anime or mangas are, or the goth/industrial scene of the early 2000s.

Mosquitoes of Delaware with Wil Winter

Wil will cover some general mosquito biology and ecology, dispel some common mosquito misconceptions, and will cover some of the common species found in Delaware.

Wil Winter is a full time environmental scientist with DNREC’s mosquito control section and a part time masters student at the University of Delaware studying entomology. He has worked with mosquitoes in Delaware for 8 years now.

The Missing Episodes of Doctor Who: Why they were lost and how some were found with Matthew Kurth

This presentation will walk through the history of early Doctor Who (1963-1969) discussing the reasons why episodes weren’t kept by the BBC, and then move on to discuss how many of the lost episodes were recovered from other sources.

Matthew Kurth has been a fan of Doctor Who since 1991 and he has followed the story of missing episodes since 1993. He studied broadcast journalism and television production in college; his first career was in television before he moved on to a second career in IT. Matthew is interested in restoring obsolete film and video equipment and transferring old 8mm film and analog tapes to digital for preservation. Fun fact #1: Matthew helped edit a book about the Amiga computer. Fun fact #2: He had the email address for Bill Oakley while he was a producer for The Simpsons. Fun fact #3: Matthew was part of a group of animation geeks who were made fun of on Animaniacs.