Nerd Nite #9 ~ Today I Learned

Number nine? Number nine? This month is Wilmington’s ninth Nerd Nite and we have three wonderfully nerdy talks for you to enjoy with your tasty beverages from Wilmington Brew Works. As always, get your tickets from the Delaware Museum of Nature & Science (click that lovely orange button up there that says tickets)

Neon Genesis Evangelion: HUMANITY IS (NOT) WORTH SAVING with Anthony Marino

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a subversion of the Gundam genre written by Hideaki Anno that was first released in 1997 and became a huge hit across many audiences. While initially seeming like another run of the mill Gundam, Evangelion is a series with many deep and intense themes, many reflecting the creators own mental state, ultimately leading to a thesis on not only the creator himself but on the condition of humanity as a whole. Ultimately the TV series leads to the conclusion that humanity’s only hope is each other. I am to explain not only how the show demonstrates many of these deep themes but, talk about the messages that the show shares with us about ourselves and the world around us. Evangelion can seem like a hopeless denigration of humanity and I aim to show others why, in reality, this show is a beacon of hope for humanity.

Greetings! I am Anthony Marino and I think about things too much! I currently work for the UD Office of Admissions and on the side, run a small (emphasis on that word) comic company that I own with a few life long friends from home. Home for me is originally Long Island, NY but I currently reside, and plan on remaining, in Newark. I have a lot of opinions on all things so please talk to me about anything nerdy and I will likely have something to share!

All The Small Forks: Actually Autistic Traits that the DSM-5 Doesn’t Want You To Know About with Stella Mask

The DSM-5 manual is used to diagnose autistic people through a criteria of impairment and deficit. My presentation aims to bring the audience into the common conversation of what many autistic people actually consider to be the important, weird, and fun aspects of being autistic. For example, Dear Lord do not turn the big light! Are you always socks or never socks? Those were absolutely not the words that came out of my mouth! I will absolutely not eat using that big fork. Why can I hear the lights? Down with the puzzle piece hate symbol!!! Yes, the best stimming is sex.

I’m an proudly ADHD and Actually Autistic (AA) educator. I work in accessibility education and facilitate neurodivergent affinity groups. I have worked in international, public, and private schools developing inclusive education programs supporting students with disabilities, specializing in ADHD and Autism. For fun side gigs, I present on disability justice and fat liberation. For fun fun, I sew clothes while listening to Sparks and doomscroll.

How to be a professional mascot (yes, it’s hot in here) with Johnny Garcia

Have you ever wondered who’s behind the mask? How do you get the job of a mascot? Learn about the job, training, sweating and more of a professional mascot.

Johnny Garcia is the Communications Manager at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science, a community organizer, and a formal professional mascot for multiple Philly sports teams.

Nerd Nite #8 ~ Summer Madness

Keep the Fresh Prince’s name outta your mouth and check the Nerd Nite’s new definition of summer madness: birds, mosquitoes, and Dr. Who. Catch the following talks on Wednesday, August 28 at Wilmington Brew Works!

The Beginner’s Guide to Birds with Bex Stansell

They’re in your backyard, your local parks, and stealing your beach fries. Get to know some of the most common wild birds in our area. We’ll talk about why they’re cool, go over some easy identification tips, and dispel common bird myths.

Rebecca (Bex) Stansell is a non-profit fundraiser by trade and a big nerd by upbringing. She is a native Delawarean, crazy cat lady, and avid tattoo collector. If you’d like activate her inability to stop talking, strike up a chat about why Fallout 3 was better than New Vegas, what the best dark or weird anime or mangas are, or the goth/industrial scene of the early 2000s.

Mosquitoes of Delaware with Wil Winter

Wil will cover some general mosquito biology and ecology, dispel some common mosquito misconceptions, and will cover some of the common species found in Delaware.

Wil Winter is a full time environmental scientist with DNREC’s mosquito control section and a part time masters student at the University of Delaware studying entomology. He has worked with mosquitoes in Delaware for 8 years now.

The Missing Episodes of Doctor Who: Why they were lost and how some were found with Matthew Kurth

This presentation will walk through the history of early Doctor Who (1963-1969) discussing the reasons why episodes weren’t kept by the BBC, and then move on to discuss how many of the lost episodes were recovered from other sources.

Matthew Kurth has been a fan of Doctor Who since 1991 and he has followed the story of missing episodes since 1993. He studied broadcast journalism and television production in college; his first career was in television before he moved on to a second career in IT. Matthew is interested in restoring obsolete film and video equipment and transferring old 8mm film and analog tapes to digital for preservation. Fun fact #1: Matthew helped edit a book about the Amiga computer. Fun fact #2: He had the email address for Bill Oakley while he was a producer for The Simpsons. Fun fact #3: Matthew was part of a group of animation geeks who were made fun of on Animaniacs.

Nerd Nite #7 ~ A Midsummer Night’s Dream

“And those things do best please me, that befall preposterously!” So says Puck in Shakespeare’s play that shares a name with July’s Nerd Nite nonsense, and so it shall be this month as we have talks on baseball, animation, and games! Read on to learn more about this month’s lineup.

Animation’s 12 Semi-Commandments

A presentation that uses clips and stills from popular anime, cartoons, etc to demonstrate the uses of the 12 Principals of Animation. Along with giving examples, there will also be clear showings of how these principles enhance animation, how 2D animation is done on computer programs, how animation differs from comics and art, different jobs that multiple people can do on a single animation, and 3 examples of small solo animation projects done by the presenter.

Andrew Simpson, born in Bath, England is a lover of video games and animated media. Andrew’s creative hobbies include writing, Game Programming/Development, and, of course, 2D animation.

Baseball is for Nerds

With fun baseball facts and stories, I’m making the case for why baseball is the nerdiest sport and how it has appeal for all different kinds of nerds.

Ezra is a lifelong baseball fan who also enjoys reading, building Legos, playing video games, learning new things, and other such nerdy pursuits.

Modern Board Gaming: it’s fun, I promise

Growing up, Monopoly, Risk, and Trivial Pursuit are what typically come to mind when the phrase “board games” is mentioned. But there are thousands of other more modern and exciting options. This presentation will be a brief overview of the history of board games, and some suggestions for modern games to fit niches.

Born and raised in Delaware, I got my BS in Biochemistry and Masters in Biomedical Engineering. I was introduced to modern board games during my time as a graduate student, and I fell deep into the hobby quickly. I discovered that they are great social lubricant, and a fun way to keep the competitive spirit alive with friends.

July Nerd Nite tickets on sale!

Tickets are on sale for the next Nerd Night Wilmington, Wednesday, July 24 at Wilmington Brew Works. Proceeds benefit the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science.

July’s nerdy talks are:

Animation Celebration: The 12 Basic Principles of Animation
by Andrew Simpson

Baseball is for Nerds
by Ezra Wittwer

Modern Board Gaming: It’s Fun, I Promise
by Andrew Brown

Nerd Nite #6 ~ Rainbow Palooza

It’s about to get real colorful in the Alamo Room at Wilmington Brew Works! Get your tickets now for another fantastic night featuring three supremely nerdy talks. Wearing lots of bright colors to this one is strongly encouraged. Read on to learn more about this month’s presentations and speakers!

In Defense of Color by Pat Wittwer

Have you ever wondered why the houses in your neighborhood look the same? Does it bother you that cars are almost always black, white, or gray? There is a war on color and expression and this talk is the first step to joining the right side: in defense of color.

Patrick Wittwer has worked in cultural and tourist attractions for over 20 years. Pat has served as the director of the Elfreth’s Alley Museum, the manager of Visitor Services at Please Touch Museum, Assistant Director of Experience and Culture at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science, and has worked at the Mann Center for the Performing Arts, Walt Disney World, Historic Philadelphia Incorporated, the Franklin Institute, and Ripley’s Aquarium of Myrtle Beach. As a leader, Pat likes to focus on developing his team and helping them move up in their careers. Currently, Pat is the Visitor Experience Manager at the Edelman Fossil Park and Museum and Vice President of the Visitor Experience Group. ​ Outside of the museum world, Pat lives in Delco with his wife and son and enjoys camping, hiking, photography, word games, and is probably the biggest Muppet fan you’ll ever meet.

Astronomy, Spectroscopy, and You by Jerry Acord

What is the nature of light, how it can tell us about the properties and composition of things, including some very, very distant things, and that, in the end, we’re all made from stars.

Once upon a time a professional astronomer with Ph.D. in Astronomy from University of Wisconsin, Jerry moved into IT way back when the web was shiny and new.

The Birds & The Bees (But With Sharks) with Jess Myers

The ins and outs of shark sex, why male sharks have two claspers, and how to identify egg cases.

Jess Myers is a marine scientist who has a passion for sharing her passion with others. She had spent years assisting with shark tagging programs and studying plastic pollution in our oceans.

Nerd Nite #5 Nite of the Nerds

We’re back for Wilmington’s 5th Nerd Nite, going down at Wilmington Brew Works on Wednesday, May 22 at 6pm. If you haven’t joined us for a Nerd Nite yet, boy howdy are you missing out. If you have, you already know it’s going to be awesome. Read on to see what’s on tap for this month!

itty bitty squiddies with Dr. Liz Shea

This Nerd Night talk will be all about itty bitty cephalopods (squids, octopods and cuttlefishes). We’ll take a shallow dive into the oceans to find and collect some of these tiny but important (and delicious) mollusks. I’ll show you what they look like under the microscope and in the field, and highlight how blackwater diving is changing what we know about how they live their lives.

Dr. Liz Shea is the Curator of Mollusks at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science and has been a museum nerd her whole life. She got her BS and MA at William & Mary and her PhD at Bryn Mawr College studying the early life history of the squid family Ommastrephidae. Liz’s love of museums and cephalopods started while interning with the Smithsonian’s Squid Squad at the National Museum of Natural History. She is currently editing a book on the Early Life History of Cephalopods which should be published in late 2024/early 2025. She lives with her husband, 2 kids, and 1 dog in Bryn Mawr, PA.

Whiskers at Work: Tales of Museum Cats with Jennifer Acord

Fifteen years ago, a little orange cat showed up near a dumpster at a local museum. Today, Dude the museum cat at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science has fans around the world. From pest control to social media stardom, explore the world of working cats at museums and other attractions, where every tale is a whisker away from wonder.

Jennifer Acord is the Director of Advancement at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science. Embracing “other duties as assigned” as her motto, she has also taken on the delightful role of publicist for Dude, the museum’s beloved cat. Throughout her eight-and-a-half-year tenure, Jennifer has worked on various stories publicizing the museum’s initiatives, but the ones generating the most buzz are often centered around Dude.

A Career in Materials Science: Turning today’s science into tomorrow’s material solutions with Dr. Eric Bailey

What does all of the technology that we touch have in common? Materials. Tune in for a deep dive into actual materials science projects – the problems, the solutions, and the everyday examples of science that informs them. Learn about how we can monitor defense systems using the physics of a candle, how a sustainable material can prevent Xbox’s red ring of death, how a Kindle helps us make new materials for bioengineering, and several examples of how high-performance composites can be engineered for different material solutions in a variety of industries.

Eric Bailey grew up near Annapolis, Maryland and got his B.S. at the University of Maryland (UMD) and then his M.S. and Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), all in Materials Science and Engineering. Before graduate school, he studied metals, semiconductors, and plastics at labs and companies including the Naval Research Lab, UMD, MIT, and W.L. Gore and Associates. During his PhD at UPenn, his research focused on understanding how and why the addition of nanoparticles changes the transport and rheological properties of polymers. After that, Eric joined DuPont as a new material R&D scientist (in a group that was later sold to a company called Celanese) where he designs new composite materials for a variety of consumer and industrial applications. His current work focuses on new materials for next generation automotive radars, development of flame-retardant engineering polymer composites, and sustainability mainly through using post-consumer recycled polymer. Eric also leads volunteering and community service efforts for Celanese in the Wilmington-area and STEM education/outreach. His hobbies, other than science and volunteerism, include sports (any type, watch or play) and nature (hiking, biking, camping, etc).

Nerd Nite #4 ~ Locally Sourced

The nerdiness continues! This month we’re keeping things local – looking at plants, animals, and music in the tri-state region. We have three wonderful nerds presenting, read on to learn more about the presentations and presenters for this month.

Wait Wait, Don’t Plant That! with Madeline Banks

Wilmington is serendipitously located within the greater Philadelphia area which boasts over 30 public gardens in 30 square miles. As you wander these luscious gardens, you may be gathering ideas for your own outdoor space, but want to learn more about improving the ecological value of our shared world. Look no further! Join me as we learn about invasive plants, their ecology, and native alternatives to non-native ornamentals.

Madeline Banks graduated from Miami University in 2016 with her Bachelor’s in German, Botany, and Environmental Science. After graduation, Madeline spent 6 years in natural resources management within the realm of public horticulture, and now works at the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science as their Interpretation Manager. Madeline spends her days caring for the animals at DelMNS, talking to guests about cool nature things, and making schedules for her awesome staff. Outside of work, Madeline loves travel, hiking, and cats (specifically her cats Plum and Peanut).

The Evolution of Fear: A Slithery Science with Callan Tweedie

This Nerd Nite we’re taking a deep dive into the slithery, scaly history of humans’ fear of snakes. Why do so many people have this fear? (Spoiler alert: It’s scientific!) We’ll discuss why snakes are actually incredibly important and amazing creatures and learn about a few native species that you can find in your own backyard.

Dr. Callan Tweedie is a veterinarian who is passionate about animal wellness and welfare, protection of wildlife, and all things reptiles and invertebrates. When she’s not designing exhibits for bugs and monitor lizards at the upcoming Edelman Fossil Park & Museum, you can find her playing ultimate frisbee, cheering on Philly sports teams, or spending time with her favorite 16 year-old kitty, Garrison.

Music From the Banks of the Brandywine with Brian Cox

The presentation I propose is one that I used to give to the Road Scholar tour called “The DuPonts in Delaware. Titled “Music from the Banks of the Brandywine,” I cover music from Colonial times through the early 20th century, mainly around Wilmington. Alfred I. DuPont is the focus of the lecture, because his is the most compelling story, however I also include some of Ruth Wales duPont’s music (from Winterthur). While I can do an hour long talk, it’s not a problem to edit it down to 20 minutes.

Brian Cox is a native Delawarean, who has been a musician for most of his life. He was educated at the University of Delaware and Temple University. Brian has performed on tuba, bass, and as a conductor with many of the leading orchestras in the area, including the Delaware Symphony, Lancaster Symphony, OperaDelaware, Reading Symphony, and the Curtis Institute Orchestra.  He’s also in demand as a jazz musician, and is the Sousaphone player for Philadelphia’s Hoppin’ John Orchestra.  In 1993, Mr. Cox was commissioned to research historical music from the State of Delaware, culminating in a commercial recording, live performances, and publications of works from the Colonial era to the early 20th century. Since 1999, Mr. Cox has been director of music at Salesianum School in Wilmington.

Nerd Nite Wilmington #3 ~ Down & Dirty

Spring is upon us and it is time to get our hands dirty! Come out to Wilmington Brew Works on Wednesday, March 27 for a night of nerdy and dirty talks (no, not that kind). Tickets for Nerd Nite tend to sell out, so don’t wait until the last minute. Go get your tickets now.

Composting with Brigid Gregory

Did you know that 25% of what Delawareans send to the landfill is food waste? Or that food waste in landfills produces methane, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide? Feed the Earth- not your bin, by composting your food scraps and making a nutrient-rich, organic, and FREE fertilizer for your plants and yard. Learn about different types of composting including traditional backyard, community, and vermicomposting aka worm-composting.

Brigid Gregory is the Program Director for the Delaware Community Composting Initiative where she provides composting outreach and technical assistance to Delawareans. She has a long history of implementing sustainability projects and was most recently the Waste Reduction and Recycling manager for Johns Hopkins University where she focused on helping the university move towards being zero waste. Brigid is a proud alumnus of Penn State and University of Delaware. She lives in Wilmington with her husband and 2 kids.

Stardew Valley: Farming and Love with Amelia Hoskins

Stardew Valley has been cited as one of the greatest video games of all time, and I’m going to tell you why. Join for a discussion of: the best marriage candidates, the fastest way to make money, the SV community’s opinions and why some of them are wrong, and much more. Prepare to hear more about a farming sim than you ever have in your life as we pay homage to the singular man who created it.

Amelia Hoskins is a museum educator from the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Art History from Slippery Rock University and her master’s degree in museum education from The University of the Arts. Her thesis: A Crowd-Sourced Approach to Accommodating Museum Visitors on the Autism Spectrum won multiple awards the year it was completed. She is passionate about accessibility, cubism, and her cat Chief Brody.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, the Practice of Involuntary Yoga with Cathy Perrotto

Ever heard the phrases “the art of folding clothes with people inside” or “human chess?” (Not the kind at the renaissance fairs.) These all perfectly sum up the practice of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). Take a dive through the history of BJJ, learn how it relies on knowing human anatomy, and see its importance in basic self-defense. After this talk, you’ll understand why it is just like yoga, but involuntary.

Cathy Perrotto is currently the Special Events & Programs Manager at the Delaware Museum of Nature & Science. Throughout her 10 years there, she has worked in all aspects of public engagement, including camps, scout programs, field trips, outreaches, and gallery interpretation. She is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College and Miami University of Ohio. Most importantly to this talk, she is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and second degree brown belt of Modern Arnis (a Filipino self-defense martial art).


Nerd Nite Wilmington 2: Eclectic Rendezvous is sold out! Thanks to all of the nerds who bought tickets and we will see the rest of y’all in March.

Nerd Nite Wilde #2: Eclectic Rendezvous

Fresh off the success of Nerd Nite Wilde 1: Welcome to Delaware comes Nerd Nite Wilde 2: Eclectic Rendezvous! This sequel promises to be as engaging and fun as the original with talks on Pokémon, beer history, and supply chain issues during the Civil War. The common thread here is pretty obvious. As always, the action goes down on the 4th Wednesday of the month (2/28) in the Alamo Room at Wilmington Brew Works. You can get your tickets here (ticket proceeds support the Delaware Museum of Nature and Science). It is recommended that you get those tickets early as we sold out last month! Read on to learn more about this month’s speakers and talks:

Pokémon: Fake Monsters; Real Issues with Malcolm Nolasco

Learn how video game developer Game Freak has interwoven real world issues, such as pollution and climate change, into their hit video game series Pokémon, and the benefits of introducing these issues to young minds. Delve into the history of Pokémon, its nature-based roots, and learn about the people within the Pokémon community.

Malcolm Nolasco is a nerd with way too many hobbies. Hailing from New Jersey, he is the Guest Experience Coordinator at The Delaware Museum of Nature & Science. Growing up on an equine farm, he naturally progressed into a career in Museums & Technology, because working on a farm is so much work. He spends most of his free time juggling between his hobbies, mainly playing video games, building models, catching up on TV/Movies, or playing DnD with friends. He enjoys traveling around the country playing Pokémon competitively (even though it’s mostly for good vibes, he’s so bad at the game), and supporting his friends while they do the same. His love of science is fueled by his love of building, which he uses to build computers as well as robots when he gets the chance.

Saving Delaware’s King of Beer with John Medkeff

John will be discussing Restore the King, the privately-funded campaign to renovate Delaware’s iconic King Gambrinus statue and return it to public display. The sculpture is the most significant remaining artifact from Delaware’s golden age of brewing in the 19th and 20th centuries, and its restoration symbolizes the return of brewing as an important cultural, economic, and social driver.

A native and resident of the city of Wilmington, John Medkeff has been researching, writing, and speaking on the topic of Delaware beer and brewing history since 1996. As Delaware’s foremost expert on state brewing history, his articles have been featured in several local and national publications, and on radio and television. John has conducted numerous lectures throughout Delaware on a variety of topics related to the state’s beer and brewing history and led tours of historic brewing sites. In addition to authoring “Brewing in Delaware”, a pictorial history of brewing in the First State, he also maintains a website and a Facebook group page dedicated to Delaware’s brewing history. John has led projects to promote and preserve the state’s brewing heritage, including the completion of the Christian Krauch memorial and serves as president of Restore the King, the campaign to return Delaware’s historic King Gambrinus statue to public display.

Supply Chains Made Interesting: DuPont’s Problems With Transportation During the American Civil War with Lucas R. Clawson

DuPont was the largest explosives manufacturer in the U.S. during the American Civil War, manufacturing a majority of all black powder the Union Army and Navy used in the conflict. But getting raw materials and shipping out the finished product wasn’t easy. My talk will show you how piracy on the high seas, international incidents, secret plots, insurance rates, telegraph lines, and religious holidays in India made it hard for DuPont to do business. Plus show you how something that seems deadly dull is actually quite riveting…

Lucas R. Clawson is an historian at Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington, Delaware. He works with historical records of the DuPont Company and du Pont family, using them to create public programming, lead discussions with Hagley’s staff, and for his own scholarly research. Lucas is a graduate of Appalachian State University and the University of Delaware. He has been with Hagley since 2007.